Wake Owl

Photo Tour Update - Red Deer - Canmore


RED DEER! What a great show. Had so much fun meeting all the staff at International Beer Haus & Stage. Especially my new friend and merch salesman extraordinaire Quan (thank you so much!),

The next day involved driving into the rockies for our show in Canmore at Communitea. I can't describe what it's like to see mountains for the first time in real life, but I will say it's extremely humbling. Obviously we took a lot of pictures. As you can see I also replaced my drummer Andrew with this much cuter portable version! Thank you to Marnie and the family at Communitea. Such great hosts!

The rest of the day today will involve pushing onwards to our sold out Victoria show! So many more mountainous pictures to come! Stay tuned!

Red Deer - International Beer Haus & Stage

Mountains - Canmore & Lake Louis

Canmore - Communitea

Photo Tour Update - Edmonton - Calgary

Crowd at Starlite Room in Edmonton Alberta

Crowd at Starlite Room in Edmonton Alberta

The last few dates have been really big shows. I'm so glad we managed to work out all the kinks before playing for so many people. It's really bitter sweet that this tour is coming to an end soon. It will be great to get back in the studio and finish off some of the new music we were working on before the tour!

If you're interested, check out some photos of Wake Owl via my multi-talented tour managers photography website here paulsteward.com

Edmonton @ Starlite Room

Calgary @ Republik

Photo Tour Update - Winnipeg - Saskatoon

Beautiful Scenery between Sault St. Marie and Thunder Bay.

Beautiful Scenery between Sault St. Marie and Thunder Bay.

After some all night driving two days in a row, we finally got a chance to relax and get some work done. Here are some new photos from the tour, starting with our drive from Toronto to Winnipeg and ending with a live acoustic performance of 'Floating' on CTV Saskatoon Morning Show! We managed to get perfectly mild and beautiful weather on the way to Winnipeg, which made for some incredible Canadian scenery. In Winnipeg I interviewed and played for Shaw TV and took the stage at the West End Cultural Centre which was a very large venue with perfect sound. I would really love to play there again! The drive to Saskatoon wasn't so pretty with a really bad snow storm slowing us down. We did make it to CTV in one piece though!

I would also like to introduce, the extremely talented, and very handsome Andrew Hunt as my new west coast band mate!


Winnipeg - West End Cultural Centre

CTV Saskatoon Morning Show

Saskatoon @ Amigos